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Find here our news about Low Vision and the RETIPLUS SYSTEM.
On October 20, 21 and 22 we are waiting for you in Zaragoza. The Low Vision specialist Enrique Sánchez, will present at the SEEBV Conference through Clinical Cases the first...
Vision 2022 – XIII INTERNATIONAL LOW VISION CONFERENCE: “Imagining the imposible”
Organized by VISPA, the Irish association for the visually impaired and under the slogan "Imagining the impossible", the XIII INTERNATIONAL LOW VISION CONFERENCE was held on July 5-8, 2022 at...
Low Vision with RETIPLUS
With RETIPLUS: She enjoy the whole picture She is able to get orientation She can identify objects
Latest news
Find here our news about Low Vision and the RETIPLUS SYSTEM.
On October 20, 21 and 22 we are waiting for you in Zaragoza. The Low Vision specialist Enrique Sánchez, will present at the SEEBV Conference through Clinical Cases the first...
OPTOM Meeting 23
Professionals from the Visual Health sector gathered at the OPTOM MEETING Toledo 2023 show great interest in the advances and services of functional Visual Rehabilitation using the RETIPLUS System in...
Plusindes will soon be at OPTOM2023.
Presentation of OPTOM MEETING 2023 Last November, the next edition of OPTOM 2023 was presented, which will be held from June 2 to 4 at the Palacio de Congresos of Toledo. As...
Vision 2022 – XIII INTERNATIONAL LOW VISION CONFERENCE: “Imagining the imposible”
Organized by VISPA, the Irish association for the visually impaired and under the slogan "Imagining the impossible", the XIII INTERNATIONAL LOW VISION CONFERENCE was held on July 5-8, 2022 at...